When I was a kid of five summers, I remember my parents dropping me to my kindergarten school. The moment they used to drop me off at the school gate, I used to run back to my parents in the reverse direction. Now, I am a so-called educated adult working in the industry. But I cannot figure out the reason why I feel the same when I reach the office, especially on Mondays. I feel like running away in the reverse direction.

Suddenly, chills run down my spine for there is a Monday meeting which I am sure most of you have to attend to show the progress in the bygone week. It also reminds me of the things that I have not done during the last week that I was supposed to do and the targets that I’ve not met. Together, with all of these worries running at the back of my mind, my face probably looks like a shriveled pumpkin, and I am not the only exception! All my colleagues are also bogged in the same worry and so we all look like a bunch of dry pumpkins. When our boss enters the scene, reconciling the status of the work we’ve done in the past week, the situation becomes even more dehydrated. This is the reason most of the heart attacks happen on Mondays.

Dear folks, this is not my assumption or imagination! The British Medical Journal conducted a ten-year study that revealed that people die of heart attacks on Monday mornings five times more than any other time of the week. Now, I don’t think, I have to tell you the reason as it’s obvious that stress is not healthy for the human heart. I hope I was able to establish the fact that Mondays are most dreadful and stressful, unlike the feeling we have when the weekend approaches.

Yes! Weekends are like an oasis in the desert. They give us the optimism to do something drastic and miraculous to change our lives overnight. When Friday approaches, the blood pressure neutralizes, and we start feeling fresher and younger. We tend to forget all the sufferings of life and bask in the euphoria of our plans for the weekends. Alas! Only if life was so sweet, without the disgruntled boss, without the Monday meetings, and the sales targets and performance KPIs. But it’s not so! Life is full of all these unwanted paraphernalia that makes us yearn for an escape.

For many and even for me, the euphoria and the excitement on Fridays start when I am awake from my night’s sleep. The very thought that it’s a Friday energizes me.
Unlike Mondays, I reach the office early with the hope that I will be relieved early. Despite several attempts from my boss to detain me for more time, my happiness knows no bounds, and I eventually escape from that damned contraption before time and hop like a kangaroo as if I have attained salvation.

That’s the power of a Friday! I forget that life and time are cyclical and just after a day, again the dreadful Monday looms large, and I tend to forget all the good things that have happened to me. The face of my boss with a disgusting look haunts my dreams and the same rigmarole of life goes on repeating. Perhaps there is no end to it. We will always be inflated and squeezed in the conveyor belt of life.

If you also feel the way I feel, you can get a little relief from reading my newsletters. As they say, great minds think alike, probably suffering minds also think alike. I understand you. I can empathize with you, and most importantly I have the biggest gift for you in store: laughter! All you need to do is subscribe to this channel. My views of the world, although bizarre, will surely amuse you. You can browse my corporate cartoons and web comics for laughter. If you are a regular reader of my posts and newsletters, I would expect a little encouragement from you. Like my posts as I have to make my boss happy!

That’s all for this week! Till we meet again, share our posts, and encourage others to join our satire club. See you next week!
Laughingly yours,
Norman & Ozi.