Whether you realize it or not, the corporate world is full of humor. Right from the ways of its functioning, recruitment, and making policies, I see an underlying humor and comic art everywhere. In all aspects of a corporation’s functioning a deliberate attempt is made to serve the self-interests of the privileged which becomes a food for office humor. Amid this rampant injustice and incompetence, humor again can help.

hiding in the office from escape from the work

A tinge of humor and laughter can bring that light and optimism into the hearts of the employees in an environment where there is constant pressure on the nerves. What I mean to say is, that where you are in continuous compulsion to impress the cardinal elements of a human infrastructure made up of more dumb people than yourself, there will be a sense of suffering. As they say, humor comes from suffering, it can be the only way to vent your suppressed feelings in a seemingly civilized way. In short, this is corporate humor. Although I have deliberately beaten around the bush a little to drive my point home, I hope I was able to define corporate humor.

Laugh loud at Corporate Humor: The Food for Soul in Your Workplace

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Humor has many advantages. You can imbibe and communicate a sense of self-confidence through humor. It is like saying ‘nothing matters’. Let me present a happy parallel. When everyone is drowning with the sudden gush of water, humor about the situation is like saying, ‘Hey look, I can walk on water’. This makes you look like an apparent superhero improving your status to more than the mundane.

Humor in corporate doesn’t only make you laugh! It also says, we are in the same boat brother, and we shall overcome. This subtle underlying message injects a bit of optimism and a sense of comradery among your fellow pals. It’s like showing the ability to laugh and giggle while sitting on an anthill. It works as a signal of competence and sends a message to the dolts that ‘See, I am unaffected.’ However, in reality, that may not be the case.

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I have seen that humor can be used as a weapon to become an informal leader. People will become fond of you and look for your company. It is like a herd of cows without horns electing a leader cow with horns. Humor is that horn and if used intelligently can give you returns. If you are thinking, how to hone the skills of being humorous at work, you can always refer to some of our funny office web comics and office cartoons. We give you some below. You can explore for more as well and continue cracking jokes and being humorous, and make people laugh aloud ─ you will win!

Read more : Fun at Work – The Tactics and Secrets

The Cons

Mostly corporates work on a common principle – the most ineffective workers are systematically moved to the place where they can do the least damage: management. And most of the managers are aware of it! They know their strengths and weaknesses well and that’s why they are managers. It gives them an upper hand to play with others’ strengths and weaknesses. If you are wondering why I am telling you the top secret and the principle of corporate hierarchical distribution, hang on. There is a deep connection with the pitfalls of humor with this principle.

office humor and web comics

When incompetent people sit at the top of the hierarchy, they know what can topple them. They are always scared of that stimulus. Don’t ever let your sarcasm and cynicism hint at their weaknesses. If you do, you hit them below the belt and your jokes can backfire. So, be careful.

Rest is okay! That’s enough for today, till we meet again next week! Till then, keep laughing and make people laugh!

Sincerely Yours,

Norman & Ozi