No! I am not going to talk about security or cyber-security and perturb you as you are already troubled with malware, viruses, and trojans. Rather, I am going to talk about the insecurity that the security issue has created in the corporate world and the industry.
Corporate citizens seem to lose their sanity in the quest to secure their systems and data. Access cards, security officers, terrorist’s bombs, CCTV cameras, fire extinguishers, fire drills, pest control, smoke detectors, bio-metric access, and so many new security gadgets were already there. Now, along with these came the threats of inadequate cyber security and cyber-attacks. The employees already felt a threat to their self-respect as they were frisked from head to toe by the security guards no matter who they were. Their pantaloons were shaken, and shirts were frisked in search of something suspicious as if they were smugglers and not employees. Now software viruses, software locks, drop-dead devices, malicious logic, malware, worm, and Trojan horse with a few others also followed suit to make their lives miserable.

Earlier, it was just the employees’ self-respect at stake but now with the advent of so many cyber threats, their jobs are veritably at risk. Data has suddenly become more valuable than their lives making the C-suite employees value data more than their hearts or kidneys. Anxiety, paranoia, and sleepless nights invaded their mental sanity and even in their dreams, these electronic particles started intruding their subconscious. Not much is known about how exactly a computer virus works inside the human brain, but its ill effects were widely felt by many. Among others, they increased hypertension and insomnia to a considerable extent. It is an established truth that viruses and malware are not only a threat to data, but they are equally pernicious to human health.

How to get rid of these illogically logical viruses is everybody’s concern today. Chills run down the spine with the words like virus or malware. This is not the first time humanity has faced these kinds of problems. We also fought with vermin or rats who destroyed the crops and chewed the progress of the civilization. We found out that cats can keep the rats away and so we started breeding cats to chase the rats. We belled the cats too and with the sound of the bell, we could get rid of the rats. Hey, wake up! I am not telling you a Tom and Jerry story. It’s about data and hence about life and death. It’s dead serious! Data has the power to get a war waged between two continents. Data has the power to make a rich nation poor and a poor nation rich. It has the power to topple governments. Who can say? It might have the power to convince God to change his plans too.

So, this is not something to be compromised. Data has to be protected. We have to find the cat and bell it too. Hopefully, it will be done! The best of the brains are after it to find a solution. Some think, there is no solution. The problem lies in the solution itself. They say people who find the solution are themselves inventing viruses to get the game going.
Yes! I admit it’s a problem to be worried about! But I am sure something will surely be there, and you will solve it too. This too shall also pass. We shall overcome! Till then laugh and make people laugh! Read our office comics and corporate cartoons and share them to make your heart lighter! A last word! Don’t forget to subscribe to our channel to keep laughing! See ya!
Chucklingly Yours,
Norman & Ozi