Yup! That’s me – Norman. 😊
Always stuck between my team & my Boss, I am not sure who wins anymore. I do know that I lose over my team’s never-ending concerns & my Boss’s never-ending micromanagement.

Norman -middle-manager-at-corporate-office-superhero

Would you doubt it? Of course not. 🤷🏽‍♀️

I built this team, and this organization and more than everything, I built it right. 😎

My employees love me for that. They adore me with their life.

🦉 You know, I used to think humans were intricately smart, complicated, and amazing creatures. But, oh boy, was I wrong! Humans are just insanely complicated.

I’ve got tons of stories about their chaotic corporate lives—never-ending meetings, unnecessary emails, and, of course, the gossip.

ozi Norman pet
Binh office hr

I’m Binh, the HR of this fine organization. Disciplined, strong, and daring—I set the rules and ensure everyone follows them.

People think I hate them, but I like them as much as any HR possibly could.

As you probably already know, I am Subbu, the head Tech. But the real head is my Boss. I adore my Boss, and he adores me too.

I’m my Boss’s trusted aide. He relies on me for gossip, internal secrets, and everything that happens beyond his eyes and ears.

I think my colleagues hold me in high regard – so much so that they prefer to keep their distance from me.

subbu tech wizard

Am I honest in my work? Yes.
Do I pull pranks like Rick? No.
Am I hardworking? Absolutely.
Am I punctual? Always.

So, who am I?

I am Nathan – The kind of employee you would want in your organization.

I am the alien of this organization!
Just kidding.

I’m Rick, the official prankster of this organization. Don’t take me seriously – because I never do!

Trust me, this office is surviving solely because of my charming and irresistible personality.

Rick prankster
Anna receptionist

Hi, I am Anna!
How can I help you?

I am the walking talking FAQ of this office.
Sometimes, I think this office cannot function without me. But, again, it is not for me to say.
Hey, but you can. 😉

I ensure this office runs smoothly.

I am Hans, the man in charge of the security of the people in charge of this organization.

I am stringent. So, be cautious around me.

Hans - office security guard
Meera Normans friend

My name is Mira, and I handle numbers in this office.

I’m a simple, fun-loving employee that everyone likes.

I have a secret crush on Norman, my manager, but I just can’t make up my mind to confess it to him.

What should I do? Should I tell him? But what would he say? How would he react? What if he doesn’t like me?

Okay, now I’m just spiraling.

Categories: Articles