Top 20 Hilarious Office Pranks to Brighten Your Workday
Ever feel like your workplace could use a little more fun and excitement?
Well, why not shake things up with some clever office prank ideas?
Whether you’re looking to add a dose of humor to your daily routine or seeking revenge on that colleague who always steals your stapler, there’s a prank for every occasion. From harmless gags to elaborate setups, this blog is your go-to guide for unleashing mischief and mayhem in the office. So, grab your rubber chickens and fake spiders, because it’s time to turn your workplace into a playground of laughter and amusement!
1. The Keyboard Confusion:
Swap keys on your colleague’s keyboard to create a confounding typing experience. Watch them try to decode the mystery of the misplaced keys.
2. The Classic Switcheroo:
Swap the contents of your colleague’s drawers with those of another coworker. This prank is perfect to get 2 birds with 1 stone. The moment of confusion when they discover their new office supplies arrangement is priceless.
3. Endless Paper Trail:
Tape the end of a long strip of paper to the bottom of your coworker’s shoe. Watch as they unwittingly unravel a trail of paper throughout the office.
4. Desktop Flip:
Take a screenshot of your colleague’s desktop and set it as their wallpaper. Hide their desktop icons, and watch as they futilely click on what they think are icons.
5. Toothpaste-filled Oreos:
Walk into the office early in the morning like a ray of sunshine, open up a crisp new pack of Oreos, replace the cream in the cookies with toothpaste and offer them to your unsuspecting coworkers. The frustration is memorable.
6. Office Chair Minefield:
Secure a layer of bubble wrap to the floor around your colleague’s chair. When they roll back, the sound effect will make everyone in the office burst into laughter.
7.Fake Bug Invasion:
Place realistic-looking fake bugs strategically around your colleague’s desk. Their reactions will range from shock to laughter once they realize the bugs are not real.
8.The Missing Mouse:
Unplug or hide your coworker’s mouse, and watch them struggle to navigate their computer.
9. Fake Parking Ticket:
Place a fake parking ticket on your coworker’s car windshield for a momentary heart-stopping prank.
10. The Automated Reply:

Set up an auto-reply on your coworker’s email account with a funny or embarrassing message that will be sent to anyone who emails them.
11. The Tape Outline:
Use masking tape to outline a “crime scene” around your coworker’s desk or workspace.
12.The Fake Meeting Invite:
Send a fake meeting invitation to your coworker with a humorous or absurd agenda or location.
13. The Fake Delivery:
Arrange for a fake delivery of something outrageous, like a giant stuffed animal or a box of random objects, to be sent to your coworker.
14.Mug Mix-Up

Switch your coworker’s coffee mug with a similar one that has a quirky or funny design. The moment of realization when they take a sip is sure to bring a smile to their face.
15.The Secret Admirer:
Send cute notes about detailed observations about your prank victim that are borderline creepy, write romantic letters with loads of reasons about why you love them. But in order to truly sell it, spend a couple bucks to buy a few gifts. Just make sure that you don’t actually fall in love with them in the process.
16.The Fake Voicemail:
Leave a hilarious voicemail message on your coworker’s phone, pretending to be a fictional client or colleague.
17.Overtime prank:
Right when your coworker is ready to finally leave the office at the end of the day, tell them that there is an urgent task they need to immediately look into. Make things sweeter by saying that this might take a couple of hours. You might have to execute this prank in cahoots with your manager, but trust us, this works every time!
18.Lock someone in the restroom
This one is straight forward. Wait till your coworker goes to answer the nature’s call and then lock them in from the outside. Don’t let them out until you are entitled for a return favour you can leverage in the future.
19.Clock Manipulation
Change the time on the clock to confuse your colleagues. This is either the best or the worst prank you will ever play at the office. The outcome depends on the nature of your superiors and HR Department.
20.The Office Ghost:
The perfect office ghost prank isn’t just about cooking the perfect horror story. Its about selling it. This one might take time to begin executing, but if done right, the prank with invariably pass on for years by word of mouth.
The content provided in this blog is intended for entertainment purposes only. Norman & Ozi is neither responsible nor does endorse or encourage any actions that may cause harm, damage, or cause your colleagues to hate you. Before embarking on any prank escapades, please exercise caution and common sense.