office cartoons on the weekend

The Weekend Euphoria – Is it a temporary escape route?

When I was a kid of five summers, I remember my parents dropping me to my kindergarten school. The moment they used to drop me off at the school gate, I used to run back to my parents in the reverse direction. Now, I am a so-called educated adult working in the industry. But I cannot figure out the reason why I feel the same when I reach the office, especially on Mondays. I feel like running away in the reverse direction.

Late For Work webcomics

Suddenly, chills run down my spine for there is a Monday meeting which I am sure most of you have to attend to show the progress in the bygone week. It also reminds me of the things that I have not done during the last week that I was supposed to do and the targets that I’ve not met. Together, with all of these worries running at the back of my mind, my face probably looks like a shriveled pumpkin, and I am not the only exception! All my colleagues are also bogged in the same worry and so we all look like a bunch of dry pumpkins. When our boss enters the scene, reconciling the status of the work we’ve done in the past week, the situation becomes even more dehydrated. This is the reason most of the heart attacks happen on Mondays.

monday mood cartoons

Dear folks, this is not my assumption or imagination! The British Medical Journal conducted a ten-year study that revealed that people die of heart attacks on Monday mornings five times more than any other time of the week. Now, I don’t think, I have to tell you the reason as it’s obvious that stress is not healthy for the human heart. I hope I was able to establish the fact that Mondays are most dreadful and stressful, unlike the feeling we have when the weekend approaches.

notice period webcomics

Yes! Weekends are like an oasis in the desert. They give us the optimism to do something drastic and miraculous to change our lives overnight. When Friday approaches, the blood pressure neutralizes, and we start feeling fresher and younger. We tend to forget all the sufferings of life and bask in the euphoria of our plans for the weekends. Alas! Only if life was so sweet, without the disgruntled boss, without the Monday meetings, and the sales targets and performance KPIs. But it’s not so! Life is full of all these unwanted paraphernalia that makes us yearn for an escape.

office humor on work pressure

For many and even for me, the euphoria and the excitement on Fridays start when I am awake from my night’s sleep. The very thought that it’s a Friday energizes me.

Unlike Mondays, I reach the office early with the hope that I will be relieved early. Despite several attempts from my boss to detain me for more time, my happiness knows no bounds, and I eventually escape from that damned contraption before time and hop like a kangaroo as if I have attained salvation.

friday humble comics

That’s the power of a Friday! I forget that life and time are cyclical and just after a day, again the dreadful Monday looms large, and I tend to forget all the good things that have happened to me. The face of my boss with a disgusting look haunts my dreams and the same rigmarole of life goes on repeating. Perhaps there is no end to it. We will always be inflated and squeezed in the conveyor belt of life.

boss memes and comics

If you also feel the way I feel, you can get a little relief from reading my newsletters. As they say, great minds think alike, probably suffering minds also think alike. I understand you. I can empathize with you, and most importantly I have the biggest gift for you in store: laughter! All you need to do is subscribe to this channel. My views of the world, although bizarre, will surely amuse you. You can browse my corporate cartoons and web comics for laughter. If you are a regular reader of my posts and newsletters, I would expect a little encouragement from you. Like my posts as I have to make my boss happy!

birthday webcomics online

That’s all for this week! Till we meet again, share our posts, and encourage others to join our satire club. See you next week!

Laughingly yours,

Norman & Ozi.

Inspiration and Insights for Corporate Comics

Anyone who spends more than 8 hours of their day sitting in a cubicle appreciates office humor. A funny office environment is an absolute necessity for colleagues looking to unanimously break out of their mundane boredom and get through the workdays together. But sometimes, events at the office seem to be unintentionally hilarious. And this unintentional comedy is the food and fodder of Corporate Comics.

Creating corporate memes can be a delicate task. There is a thin line between being hilarious and offending all your coworkers. So, if in any case you’re out of new ideas or are confused between them, here’s some inspiration for you.

10 Insights for Corporate Comics:

1. Demanding Clients:

hr insurance web comics

Starting out, we have corporate comics on the common enemy: a client with endless demands and absurd needs. All you need to do is illustrate the absurdity of last-minute changes, unrealistic expectations, and the pressure to deliver perfection. The relatable content will not only entertain but also serve as a reminder that everyone at the office faces the same challenges while dealing with clients.

2. Deadlines:

work deadline web comics

While the first insight was regarding something that unites the workforce, here is one that gets all the employees shooting and dodging blames! From the coffee-fuelled all-nighters to the fights about delayed project timelines, corporate comics can capture the essence of the deadline-driven world and provide a light-hearted take on the stress that comes with it.

3. Office Politics and Ego Clashes:

team outing and leadership comics

Depicting office politics and ego clashes in a humorous light can help employees navigate these challenges more effectively. By highlighting the absurdity of power struggles and workplace drama, corporate comics can create a shared understanding that fosters a more positive and collaborative office culture.

4. Boring Training Sessions and Workshops:

training web comics

We all know the tension that appears between some of our untrained trainers and know-it-all coworkers. And then some of them don’t care about anything other than a nap. Use relatable characters to illustrate the struggle of staying awake during lengthy presentations or the absurdity of overly complex training modules. This approach can not only entertain but also encourage a re-evaluation of training methods.

5. Office Romances:

boss valentines comics

What is funnier than the tension and awkwardness of office crushes, secret admirers, and the challenges of maintaining professionalism while navigating personal relationships at work? Go ahead and take notes the next time you see your coworkers flirting at the coffee table!

6. Boss’s Expectations (vs Reality):

drones meetings cartoons

Instead of using the common “The Boss is a Villain” trope, start making a few comic strips with the boss as the protagonist. Dive deep into the roomy shoes of your busiest colleague and illustrate the contrast between a boss’s expectations and the often disappointing reality of executed tasks. This approach can foster empathy and understanding between employees and their superiors.

7. Leave Permissions:

office annual leave webcomics

Even your HR Manager has at some point had to take the company’s consent to go on a Summer Vacation. Capture the absurdity of paperwork, email chains, and the unexpected hurdles that employees face when seeking time off, and you’ve got the recipe for some hilarious comics!

8.HR Dilemmas:

hr payslips webcomics

Tackle sensitive HR issues with a touch of humor by addressing topics like diversity, inclusion, and conflict resolution through relatable characters. Such comics can encourage open dialogue and promote a positive workplace culture.

9. Beef Between Departments:

boss frustrating comics

The larger the office, the more there is alienation between employees. As the standard Tech, Graphic, Marketing, Sales, Content, and Delivery teams from all companies collaborate, conflicts are bound to arise. Explore the humorous side of interdepartmental competition and tension!

10.Office Parties:

office party webcomics

At 3-4 times of the year when you get to see your coworkers drunk, you also get startled with surprises, The unknown sides of the known personalities suddenly get exposed. Capture the festivities, embarrassing moments, and surprises that come with company gatherings with a tinge of humor!

corporate comic insight memes

Top 20 Hilarious Office Pranks to Brighten Your Workday

Ever feel like your workplace could use a little more fun and excitement?

Well, why not shake things up with some clever office prank ideas?

Whether you’re looking to add a dose of humor to your daily routine or seeking revenge on that colleague who always steals your stapler, there’s a prank for every occasion. From harmless gags to elaborate setups, this blog is your go-to guide for unleashing mischief and mayhem in the office. So, grab your rubber chickens and fake spiders, because it’s time to turn your workplace into a playground of laughter and amusement!

1. The Keyboard Confusion:

Swap keys on your colleague’s keyboard to create a confounding typing experience. Watch them try to decode the mystery of the misplaced keys.

2. The Classic Switcheroo:

Swap the contents of your colleague’s drawers with those of another coworker. This prank is perfect to get 2 birds with 1 stone. The moment of confusion when they discover their new office supplies arrangement is priceless.

3. Endless Paper Trail:

Tape the end of a long strip of paper to the bottom of your coworker’s shoe. Watch as they unwittingly unravel a trail of paper throughout the office.

4. Desktop Flip:

Take a screenshot of your colleague’s desktop and set it as their wallpaper. Hide their desktop icons, and watch as they futilely click on what they think are icons.

5. Toothpaste-filled Oreos:

Walk into the office early in the morning like a ray of sunshine, open up a crisp new pack of Oreos, replace the cream in the cookies with toothpaste and offer them to your unsuspecting coworkers. The frustration is memorable.

6. Office Chair Minefield:

Secure a layer of bubble wrap to the floor around your colleague’s chair. When they roll back, the sound effect will make everyone in the office burst into laughter.

7.Fake Bug Invasion:

Place realistic-looking fake bugs strategically around your colleague’s desk. Their reactions will range from shock to laughter once they realize the bugs are not real.

8.The Missing Mouse:

Unplug or hide your coworker’s mouse, and watch them struggle to navigate their computer.

9. Fake Parking Ticket:

Place a fake parking ticket on your coworker’s car windshield for a momentary heart-stopping prank.

10. The Automated Reply:

email web comics

Set up an auto-reply on your coworker’s email account with a funny or embarrassing message that will be sent to anyone who emails them.

11. The Tape Outline:

Use masking tape to outline a “crime scene” around your coworker’s desk or workspace.

12.The Fake Meeting Invite:

Send a fake meeting invitation to your coworker with a humorous or absurd agenda or location.

13. The Fake Delivery:

Arrange for a fake delivery of something outrageous, like a giant stuffed animal or a box of random objects, to be sent to your coworker.

14.Mug Mix-Up

birthday webcomics online

Switch your coworker’s coffee mug with a similar one that has a quirky or funny design. The moment of realization when they take a sip is sure to bring a smile to their face.

15.The Secret Admirer:

Send cute notes about detailed observations about your prank victim that are borderline creepy, write romantic letters with loads of reasons about why you love them. But in order to truly sell it, spend a couple bucks to buy a few gifts. Just make sure that you don’t actually fall in love with them in the process.

16.The Fake Voicemail:

Leave a hilarious voicemail message on your coworker’s phone, pretending to be a fictional client or colleague.

17.Overtime prank:

Right when your coworker is ready to finally leave the office at the end of the day, tell them that there is an urgent task they need to immediately look into. Make things sweeter by saying that this might take a couple of hours. You might have to execute this prank in cahoots with your manager, but trust us, this works every time!

18.Lock someone in the restroom

This one is straight forward. Wait till your coworker goes to answer the nature’s call and then lock them in from the outside. Don’t let them out until you are entitled for a return favour you can leverage in the future.

19.Clock Manipulation

Change the time on the clock to confuse your colleagues. This is either the best or the worst prank you will ever play at the office. The outcome depends on the nature of your superiors and HR Department.

20.The Office Ghost:

The perfect office ghost prank isn’t just about cooking the perfect horror story. Its about selling it. This one might take time to begin executing, but if done right, the prank with invariably pass on for years by word of mouth.


The content provided in this blog is intended for entertainment purposes only. Norman & Ozi is neither responsible nor does endorse or encourage any actions that may cause harm, damage, or cause your colleagues to hate you. Before embarking on any prank escapades, please exercise caution and common sense.

Hilarious office pranks norman ozi cartoons