The True Potential of the People in Cubicles: A Satire
While the Statue of Liberty stands tall in the open beside the Hudson River, there is a tendency for people to flock to the cubicles. It so seems that power, peace, and prosperity are all in the corporate cubicles and behind glass doors. Although people take pride in getting segregated in the cubicles, I feel it’s a novel way to isolate people’s stupidity, lest their brains get contaminated. But the bosses don’t understand this underlying intention. They take pride in being isolated in the cabins and cubicles. They feel their social prestige gets a boost if they are in a cubicle rather than in a common space. This is the subtle relationship between space and power that people most often misinterpret.

Then there are rooms with glass doors. These are the places reserved for even more incompetent people. These are not the people who are born smart. They are the kind of people who are born dumb, and these ninnies are made to believe the more intelligent you are, the more isolated you should be. They believe isolation breeds power.

They end up in isolated glass chambers away from the maddening crowd only to conserve their stupidity. The paradox is, that these folks consider themselves very intelligent or rather the most intelligent of the lot. Some consider themselves the most intelligent on the planet and so they are unique as homo sapiens. They deny the fact that we are all stupid by nature and intelligence is just a faculty like that of the olfactory function. They ignore the fact that intelligence endowed by nature is to make us feel we are self-reliant in this world of natural stupidity.

These bunch of clowns feel they are so intelligent that they are self-sufficient, and their exceptional qualities need conservation. This vanity makes them more imbecile than they really are and for the conservation of Karma, they are imprisoned behind the glass doors. The irony is that they don’t realize this in their lifetime. On the contrary, the paradox is as they become more isolated, their pay cheques become fatter. This renders these folks a sense of complacency based on the perceived value of their talents. In reality, they get their share of the incompetence bonus as they seem to be more intelligent in this seemingly stupid world.

Where are you? Are you in a cubicle or behind the glass doors? Jokes apart, wherever you are, irrespective of whether you are surrounded by glass doors or bound by a cubicle, you have to realize your limitless self. For that, you have to laugh and make people laugh! Read my web comics, subscribe to my comic newsletter, go through my office cartoons, and amuse yourself and others. Read my blogs and newsletters regularly and go through my office comics to laugh and be happy and don’t forget to share these with your friends and foes.
Laughingly yours,
Norman & Ozi